95% OFF Special Launch Offer Today! [NOW OPEN]

Claim 30 DAYS ACCESS to this epic opportunity and KICK START your Speaker Transformation for only $47! Or LIFETIME ACCESS for only $97! [Offer Ends Soon]

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YES! I want to Own my VOICE with Confidence for Only $97 LIFETIME ACCESS!

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Let's Kick Start your Public Speaking VOICE Elevation Journey! Choose which option works best for you:

Welcome Speaker & Leader to your VOICE Transformation Opportunity!

From a background of bullying, racism and severe identity issues, being afraid to put her hand up in class...

To speaking in front of audiences of thousands around the world.

If Jody can go from complete lack of confidence and excruciatingly low self-esteem...

To earning her place in the Top 28 Speakers Globally, becoming a TEDx Talk Speaker, winning over 50+ speech contests internationally and running an impact driven 6 Figure a Year Holistic Speaking and Coaching platform,

You can finally elevate with confidence, reach that next level as a leader and speaker, and live an extraordinary life!

How will Jody's Public Speaking Mini Course help you transform?

The average person speaks anywhere between 7,000 – 20,000 words a day. Though we adopt our ability to speak as a child, many of us struggle to effectively communicate and influence others as an adult, both in everyday life and in our careers and businesses. What would reaching another level of confidence bring you in your life? Whether you wish to elevate your business and career, personal relationships, or your life overall, effective communication and owning your unique "VOICE" with clarity and confidence is what you need to breakthrough that next level and achieve those desired outcomes. Let's give you the proven steps to be brave and dare to be seen and heard. Your VOICE Matters.

  • In our Public Speaking VOICE Elevation Mini Course, we’ll explore:

  • The Proven 5 Step Formula to activating your unique VOICE with confidence so you can stand out from the crowd

  • Practical Frameworks to be Effective and Authentic on and off stage

  • Pro Strategies to Engage and Captivate your Audience

  • Pro Strategies to Handle Fear and Uncertainty

  • The How of becoming an Impromptu Speaking Success Machine!

  • The How to elevating your emotional fitness for Public Speaking and Communication

  • Pro Tips for Writing and Delivering a Speech or Presentation

  • Pro Tips for Effective Communication and Connection

  • ... And sooo much more!​

What does Jody's VOICE Elevation Mini Course Contain?

The most important inclusion: Your opportunity to KICK START your speaker transformation! Plus, the goodies below:

  • VOICE Transformation Videos

    Gain 30 DAYS or LIFETIME access to Jody's VOICE Elevation Mini Course Training Videos to kick start your public speaking and confidence journey today!

  • Supportive Community

    Gain LIFETIME access to Jody's Public Speaking Mastery Community of like-minded speakers and leaders ready to support your journey today!

  • BONUS Transformation Resources

    Gain LIFETIME access to Jody's EPIC array of Gifted VOICE Elevation Transformation Resources to up-level yourself as a speaker and leader today!

  • And MORE! Including Bonus Opportunities!

    Fast forward your growth by gaining access to bonus opportunities for reflection, transformation and chances to claim EPIC prizes and gifts!

What a fellow leader & speaker had to say:

Coach & Business Owner​

Claudia Evans

Coach & Business Owner​

"I have done many online trainings, but this was by far the BEST training I have ever done! The way you engage the audience, the powerful frameworks you teach, the easy to implement strategies, the amazing resource you created to support my growth as I progressed through the course, all life-changing! Oh and I LOVE your authenticity and energy! Get me on stage! Thank-you Jody!"​