The Leader's Guide to Being Fulfilled And Achieving High-Performing Success

“Your values are the bones holding you and your work together. Without them, it is hard to stand tall and a struggle to propel forward with strength, confidence and vitality.”

The Top Reason Why Leaders Fail To Be Fulfilled And Achieve Success... And What To Do About It

Have you built a strong foundation of values and habits to achieve personal and professional success and fulfilment? 

The main reason so many leaders and entrepreneurs are failing to be successful and fulfilled is because they didn't create a strong foundation to begin with. Activating your foundation of values will transform your personal and professional life, give you confidence, and save you a long journey of struggle and mistakes.

If you are reading this, you value personal growth and have dreams and aspirations you deeply desire to achieve. You want to stand for something meaningful and leave a legacy when you pass away. You are, or desire to be, a leader in your own personal life and a leader for others (in your work place, business, family, or even group of friends). 

Though you may do a lot of things and get a lot done, there is a part of you that still feels there is more potential within you and you wonder how you can become even more successful. You want to make decisions that truly align to what YOU want and not be as influenced by others opinions. 

You desire greater connection to others, greater influence, more vibrant days and greater success in your personal and professional life and know there is another level of living waiting for you.

You can hear a whisper of potential that says, "there must be more..."

I get it.

I used to feel this deep yearning to be more and achieve more but still have so much potential untapped. 

I used to distrust my own decisions.

I didn’t know who I truly was or what I stood for. I was fearful that I would make mistakes or be judged...

I let others influence my decisions because I didn't have a firm foundation of values and empowering beliefs about myself.

It was exhausting…

I used to be afraid to be seen and share my story.

The cost of not having clear values and fulfilment can literally be life or death. 

With the increase of technology and social media creating greater reactivity, coercion and distraction in individuals, happiness rates are decreasing, suicide rates are increasing and more and more people are dying with their potential and gift to the world still hidden inside them…

To be honest, it breaks my heart.

Many years ago, one decision changed my life.

I came from a background of severe racism, bullying and suffocating identity issues. I used to question my worth and struggle with confidence. Then, as I walked towards the university doors many years ago, I realised I was in control. I realised I could decide who I wanted to be and I (and only I) could change my life. A quote stood out to me and I realised how true it was.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” - George Bernard Shaw

From that moment, I began my journey of discovering and activating my values. Knowing my values changed my life.

From that moment on, I began to live with intention.

How can you begin to be a better self-leader and leader for others, achieve your goals with fulfilment, make the BEST decisions, own your days and live with greater success, fulfilment and purpose?

You need to know your VALUES.

Knowing my values changed my life and countless of other peoples lives that I have coached around the world. I am obsessed with purposeful living and am on a mission to share these transformative mindset and life success strategies with others, such as yourself. 

In my online values course, Know Your Values for Leaders: Live Intentionally, Own Your Life and Make the Best Decisions we activate your potential by exploring what your values are, their benefits, how you can actually create and generate your own values unique values in each of the 4 Cornerstones of Your Life (yes, practically!), and how you can proactively live by your values (creating greater clarity in your personal and professional life areas).

In this transformative course you will gain the answers to many of the questions you have been asking yourself:

☑️ How can I be more successful in my personal and professional life?

☑️ How can I live a more meaningful and fulfilled life?

☑️ How can I create greater connections with others?

☑️ How can I make greater impact and influence?

☑️ How can I make my dreams come true?

☑️ What do I stand for?

☑️ How can I be a better leader?

☑️ How can I be the best version of myself?

☑️ How can I make the best decisions for me and the people I care about?

☑️ How can I live in proaction and not in reaction?

☑️ Who am I really?

☑️ What are my values?

☑️ Am I making the best decisions?

☑️ How can I better serve my family, colleagues and others?

☑️ How can I set goals aligned to who I really am?

☑️ How can I create more success, fulfilment and purpose in my life?

And SO much more! 


You gain these answers through LIFETIME ACCESS to 46 powerful and insightful videos based on 10+ years of Jody's research and expertise in the field of Purposeful Living and High Performance Leadership, 42 activities / actions / opportunities, as well as, LifeTime Access to a supportive online 'Purposeful Living Movement' Community of inspiring Leaders from around the Globe! 

PLUS this gives you access to Jody (herself personally) online for a LIFETIME! Woah.

Know Your Values Course for Leaders!

Say "YES" to you!

In this Powerful Course You Benefit By:

  • Setting yourself up for success with a Proactive Mindset and Learning the 5 Core PENNE Beliefs Fulfilled and Successful Leaders Hold

  • Knowing what Values actually are and knowing the Phenomenal Positive Effects values can have in your personal and professional life areas

  • Having a powerful Critical Alignment Model to structure your understanding

  • Doing practical activities to Identify, Clarify and Generate your Personal and Professional Values

  • Being able to Categorize your Values and understand your Core Human Needs

  • Creating Habits to Activate your Values and potential

  • Knowing how to Assess your Efficiency with activating your Values Daily

  • Having a greater sense of Intention, Fulfilment, Purpose and Powerful Direction

  • Having vaster clarity on what makes Effective Decision-Making and how to Effectively Goal Set and Manage your Agenda in your personal and professional spheres

  • Living less in emotional reactivity and more in Mindful and Sustainable Proactivity and SO MUCH MORE!

Your Bonuses!

  • LIFETIME Exclusive Community Access

    By saying "YES" to yourself you gain complimentary LIFETIME Access to our 'Purposeful Living Movement' Exclusive Community of Leaders on Facebook! Have access to a global community of inspiring leaders passionate about self-growth and ready to support you!

  • Access to Future Membership, Gifts and Opportunities

    Just for signing up you can gain access to our FUTURE Purposeful Living Movement Membership Hub for only $9.95 AUD a month! That’s 85% less than the cost of an average monthly gym membership or the cost of 2 coffees! PLUS you will gain exclusive future gifts and opportunities! WIN!

  • Bonus Material!

    With just this ONE-OFF investment you gain LIFETIME Access to all the Exclusive Resources and transformational content throughout this course to support your learning until the end of time. INCLUDING our Exclusive 50 Questions to Find Your Passion Booklet!

What are others saying?

Rachelle Hubery

Becoming Intentional

Rachelle Hubery

“Jody left me feeling both inspired and empowered. Powerful content made simple, delivered with joy, I highly recommend anyone would like to learn to how to love, believe and empower oneself to get this course and contact Jody. I am inspired to set actual goals to make things happen; I have always plodded along and never made any plans or specific goals- I want to change that by taking action! Becoming my own person again! Jody and her Community allows you to do that! Thank-you Jody.”
Kishin Thadani

Rediscovered Potential

Kishin Thadani

“I learnt from Jody that I have within myself a strong ability to co-create great things in my and other peoples’ lives- But I forgot to give myself time to do it and this was an awesome reminder. I am motivated to reflect, seek learning, build skills and have a go without fear of failure and most importantly live by my values.”
Chloe Borg

Valuing Her Interactions

Chloe Borg

“I have learnt from Jody that I can trust my decisions! I am motivated to change my circle of friends and put myself out there more so I can meet like-minded people and expand my ‘growth’ friends. Jody gave me so much to think about when setting intentions and what my interaction values are! Life-changing!”
Fotios Filis

Brave and Vulnerable

Fotios Filis

“I learnt that it's okay for me as a man to have emotion and be vulnerable. I am motivated to live with intention and my values. Thank-you Jody!”
Shanki Jayawickrama

Strength Within

Shanki Jayawickrama

“I learnt from Jody that I have the strength in me to be what ever I want by training my mind. I am motivated to be the best version of my self and live by my values. Jody's style of expressing facts has a way of directly talking to your heart- just perfection.”

Ready to Activate Your Potential?

Knowing your values and living with intention will change your personal and professional life.

Say "YES" to Your Potential!

Who is behind the passion?

  • Jody Dontje

    Fulfilment Mindset Coach. Public Speaking Coach. Tedx Talk Speaker. International Humanitarian. Teacher.

    Jody Dontje

    Jody Dontje is an inspirational young woman creating wide spread global change as a passionate International Humanitarian, Tedx Talk Speaker, Fulfilment Mindset and Public Speaking Coach, Teacher, and Founder of The Help Nepal Appeal. Having undergone many struggles throughout her childhood and adolescent years, such as needing to move to 16 different homes throughout Australia before she had turned 18 due to financial difficultly, and developing severe identity issues from being subjective to racism and bullying, it wasn’t until Jody started to dedicate herself to volunteering and empowering others that she truly found her voice, confidence, purpose and fulfilment in life. Jody now dedicates everyday to empowering others to access and activate their fullest potential and live a life of greater vibrancy, fulfilment and purpose. Connect with Jody Personally:

Ready to say "YES" to achieving greater fulfilment and success?

SPECIAL BONUSES! Exclusive Access to our ‘Purposeful Living Movement’ Facebook Community of Leaders from Around the Globe and Live Webinars!

  • $297.00

    Transformative course value of over $2997! Now only a $297 AUD One-Off-Investment.

    Say "YES" to You!

Want to Gain LIFETIME Access to a Global Community of Leaders?

Say "YES" to a lifetime of online support! Substantial value!

We are with you every step of the way! Whenever you have a win to celebrate, question to ask, video or written action step to post, insight to share or anything else, we are here to support you! 

* LIFETIME ACCESS to our Purposeful Living Movement Community is for a limited time, so say "YES" to yourself fast! We cannot wait to meet and support you!

How Samantha de Mattos Describes Know Your Values Course for Leaders

One of UK's Highest Qualified Mermaids (Leader of the Ocean)

Here's how I'd describe this course to someone:

"Know Your Values Course for Leaders starts out being about setting yourself up to win with a proactive mindset. It then moves onto looking more specifically at you as a person, understanding your personal needs and values. By the end of the course you'll have gained a clarity of who you are and your personal needs, a mindset to set you up for success and the habits you need to get that new mindset nailed in. 

It is packed full of value! I've done a lot of courses in my time and this has the most in it I've ever seen. I truly believe people will be impressed with how much content there is. 

I also love the support you get from a group of leaders where you can talk about your learnings and share your wins and struggles with everyone else doing the same.

Thank-you Jody for this course experience and growth! So much value!"

Samantha de Mattos - Know Your Values Course for Leaders Review
Photographer: @daanverhoevenfreediver

How the Values Course Could Help You in Additional Ways- Overcome Your Barriers

KJ Wong, Sales Coach, Founder of Awake By 5am

KJ's Transformative Experience:

"Hi, I’m KJ Wong Founder of Awake By 5am. I’m a sales coach. I empower my clients to deliver differentiating value. The reason I said yes to this course is because I have some barriers I want to break. I find it very difficult to do video posts. Even though I am a sales coach I am an introvert. It is very difficult for me to stand in front of a camera. However, when I am in front of a big crowd I have absolutely no problem. For some reason when I do video posting I am very judgemental more about myself.

This course helped me break through that barrier completely, as well as figure out my values. I recommend for others to do this course, especially if you have some barriers that you want to break, this course will be ideal for you. Don’t forget make sure that whatever you do in life you have a lot of fun doing it! Jody makes learning fun. Thank-you very much Jody!”

KJ Wong - Know Your Values Course for Leaders Review


This course is right for you if you ACTUALLY desire to make phenomenal changes in your life RIGHT NOW. This course is for dedicated individuals who want to become the leader of their own personal and professional life. To then be able to inspire others around them in the process. If you don’t want to take action and actually change your life, then this course is not for you.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Risk-Free Guarantee

If you are the dedicated individual above who desires to take action and begin to become the person your potential whispers for you to be, and though you took action due to what you learn in this course and you are not feeling that knowing and living your values is giving you greater clarity and connection to self and others, I am happy to refund you your full amount in 30 days of purchasing your course.

This is my passion and I believe in its results. To show this I have included this 30-Day Rise-Free Money Back Guarantee because I know that if you truly desire to invest time into developing and living your values, you will gain greater clarity and could very well change your life.

Your Charity Contribution

Just by saying "YES" to this course you are contributing to Jody's non-for-profit charity efforts. A percentage of your course goes towards Jody's humanitarian charity The Help Nepal Appeal and enables her and her team to empower disadvantaged Nepali Youth, Women and Special Needs Peoples.

It is time to say "YES" to your potential!

Are You Ready to Live with Intention and Generate Your Values?

Say "YES" to You!



When you say "YES" to this powerful course, you are saying “YES!” to your self-growth and activating your potential. You are saying "YES" to making a change and living with intention.

Well done on taking the step to invest in your personal growth in your personal and professional life areas.

I look forward to seeing you on the other side!

With kindness,

Jody Dontje

Be Brave. Be Vulnerable. Be Kind.

Want to learn more about Jody?